Panadapter su radio Yaesu

Proprietà intellettuale

Tutte le immagini presenti in questo articolo sono di proprietà di G4HUP, provengono dalla pagina:

Yaesu FT-817

Yaesu FT-857

I note that all three of these users have decided to mount the PAT board on the same screen can.  An alternative may be the one to the right in pictures 1 and 2, which has no holes for core adjustment, and gives a much shorter input connection!

Yaesu FT-897

Yaesu FT-991

Yaesu FT-847

Yaesu FT-DX1200

Yaesu FT-1000


Yaesu FT-736

FT736 pick up detail – note that coax cable shown is NOT the PAT input connection! The 13.69MHz input signal for the PAT can be picked up on the hot ends of R32 or R33, or anywhere between T03 and T04 – see p16 of the FT736 Technical Supplement.

Yaesu FT-840

Yaesu FRG-100